At Mini Roses, we are lovers of smoked cooking. Ribs, brisket, chicken, all smoked, all taste amazing. This is why today I wanted to share my favorite method of cooking with a smoker and hopefully hand over to you some small tips for your next smoker barbecue in the mini rose garden.
If you have ever eaten the best propane smoked brisket before you will know how divine it will taste. Just thinking about it now makes my mouth water. Today I want to step your through the process of smoking one. Initially you want to make sure you have the time to cook this as it’s a long process and one that can’t be rushed.
Let’s start with what piece of meat you should buy. Generally you will find your local butcher will have it called “brisket” and it will come in at around 15 pounds with the point and flat ends. I tend to choose the thicker style cuts.
Generally the total time for cook is around 24 hours, with a 12 hour gap between preparation and putting the meat into the smoker. For preparation, you will need to trim and season the meat according to how you like it. Then place it back in the refrigerator to let the seasoning soak into the meat. For seasonings, you can mix in black pepper, green pepper, garlic, onion, and oregano.
Now you’re ready for the smoking. The key here is to make sure that your brisket is not stationed directly over the smoke. Place your coals and wood in on one side and the brisket on the other side. Then close your lid and start the cook. Now that you’re up and running, be sure to monitor the amount of smoke coming out of your smoker. Generally aim to have a medium to light colored smoke coming to from the smoker and not a billowing of thick smoke.
In the best propane smokers, there will be a water tray, this is great to adding additional moisture to the air as well as into the brisket. A moist brisket is the best and those in the know will work hard to achieve this outcome. When you nearing the end of the cooking process, it’s recommended to wrap the brisket in a foil wrapping to retain those last parts of moisture. Keep an eye on the outer surface of the brisket and when it turns a light brown color, that indicates the best time to wrap it up.
I hope this gives you a great introductory guide to smoking up your own brisket and wish you all the best in your cooking conquest.